Monday, March 30, 2015

Why days or weeks with no new post?
What's up with that?

If you're ever wondering, why the periods of silence, keep reading. 

Dry Spell

I don't believe my muse has deserted me 
quite the contrary

I suspect she is busy organizing a closet
stumbling on a  wrinkled, twisted 
brown leather pump
smoothing a red print blouse with a white bib front
adjusting the angle of a long forgotten
black felt cloche
wiggling into a shocking pink bathing suit 

I imagine she's melding 
discarded identities
creating from old styles 
compelling new ones
sifting through what once was 
until she finds 
a kernel of what always is 

I expect she'll be back anytime now

                  ~ Kate Lydon Varley

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I wrote this poem after our last snow storm, which I hoped would be our last snow storm this winter. But the forecast for March 20 is that we're in for more snow, so revisiting the experience of snow: 

Meditation: Eight inches, and the plow man didn’t show

so it is up to us
we work in shifts –
work and rest
work and refuel
and work again
shovel and lift
shovel and chip
throw the ice
throw the snow
tap to clear the shovel
snow that was heavy and wet last night
dry and light this morning
underneath the sloping white
hard frozen slicks hide from
bright March sunlight
every bit of ice like the piece before
every bit of ice possessed
of its own texture, shape, size
shovel, chip, throw, tap
again and again and again
in the end
down to the driveway’s blacktop
dark with the melt of snow and ice
mists lifting from pavement swirling
disappear into thin, crisp air
leaving behind on the asphalt
a smattering
of dry

                                                Kate Lydon Varley